Wednesday, January 27, 2010


   A self-indulgence kind of day. Really more like week. Since hanging my paint brush up, I have not done a thing. Barely even accomplished groceries (dire straights on the weekend as we ran out of milk!). This morning I went out for coffee with a friend and if anyone has ever done coffee with me before, you know it takes a while! The coffee is the excuse, but the conversation is the key. I really do love my coffee. Such wonderful thoughts drift through my head and the air in a coffee shop. Can you blame it on the brew? Probably not, but it could help with its warmth and caffeine to wake up the brain. Set it on a new level. Yup, I like it.
   I follow my coffee date with more me time this aft. Embrace me in the warmth of an ohm at my weekly yoga class. I don't know what I would have done without it over the years. Stands me up, bends me over and makes life flow again. I walk out taller on most days. ahh. The day will wind down with a newer monthly activity; drumming. This is a surprising activity that I have fallen in love with as well. Meditation on the skin of a drum and the edge of singing bowl. Shake away all the shadows with rain sticks and maracas (well shakers of one sort or another). Drift me out and make me smile.
   So I have peace on today. My day of me. I am trying to just be plain old happy about it. No guilt parades allowed! Leave your shoulds at the door. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow I get windows.

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