Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Battlefield

Creeping Charlie (weed)
Why is it that you put on this show
for me?
Like you have some worth
with that purple hue

Just creep 
back under the fence 
from whence you came
and trail
your damn roots 
with you

You are not welcome here.
 your showy ways
do not impress me -
nay, remind me 
that I stand no chance
against your onslaught.

I pluck 
and pull
grind dirt in toil
yet find o'ernight
you've slipped in 
another mile!

Ack, lost am I
on battlefield,
but next warpath 
I won't concede
to this other weed!
Into Jelly with thee!



  1. i give up...let them take the yard...and dandelions make a nice wine too...

  2. @Brian: Yes, I came across a few recipes that I thought I might try. Wine was in there too! Unfortunately, they are now just wispy seed heads, so I will have to wait until the next crop, then either freeze them to lay in wait or make smaller batches. Of course, the way my girls kick the seed heads around and shake them to see the seeds blow, I might
    have a bumper crop right quick.

  3. We may have lost our battle against weeds. We dont mind the wild mint. In fact, i encourage it where nothing else grows. My son loves dandelions - blowing (or kicking) the seeds and bringing me the flowers. What I don't like is the Oxalis that is taking over my neighborhood with it's sight on world domination.
    Great poem!

  4. I'm fighting the same battle and losing! You should have seen the expression on our dog Charlie's face when I was cursing under my breath, "Damn you Creeping Charlie" the other day :)

  5. @Stranger: Oh no! Head for the hills! The oxalis is coming, the oxalis is coming...

    I wish you well on your battlefield, no matter how lost the war may seem.

  6. @Talon: Bwahahahaah! I bet he was so confused! Poor Charlie getting a bad rap and doing nothing that he can think of wrong. Did you give him a little pet when you saw his hang dog face?

    Hilarious, thanks for sharing that story Talon. You gave me a smile (and I like those) :D

  7. My dad had a philosophy that as long as it was green, it was good. I never saw him pull a weed.


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