Monday, May 14, 2012

Broken Music Monday

This is just heavenly. A friend recommended this song to me and it transported me as soon as I heard it. Unless you are otherwise familiar with this band, let me introduce "Freelance Whales" out of New York. They are a weird conglomeration of musical talents that embrace any instrument they can tickle a tune out of (like harmonium, banjo, glockenspiel, synthesizers, guitars, bass, drums, waterphone - what the heck!!!).

Not that it really counts, but the name of the song is 'Broken Horse', which has me in mind of the ladies over at Mostly Fiction Mondays. The theme this week is Broken. What say you ladies? I personally think the song is far from broken, but I offer a tune to you none the less.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I see
I see
I see
everything I wish I didn't

Someone else's eyes
see a beautiful soul
someone else's eyes
see love
someone else's eyes
see me

will believe
that I can be everything
that other people see

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Texan Music Monday

Happy Music Monday my friends! This new band was introduced to me through an email this weekend. There are a couple of songs on Youtube and they are both worth a listen. Indie rock in style with a female lead singer, which is always a nice treat in my book.

Introducing a group out of Texas, by the name of "The Royalty".

Tell me what you think...


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday's Email of the Week: ICU!

Saturday's Email of the Week

Well my friends, I haven't seen you on a Saturday in a while. How are you? I can guarantee you I am still in bed. Saturday's have become the Holy Grail of sleep in days for me as of late. I will have to get out of bed before noon, as Madame Mommy will have to become chauffeur to my princesses who have been invited to a birthday party. Lucky me had my eldest invited at the last minute, as the guest list was dwindling. I know that the hosts actually are doing me a favour and know it, because this then gives me 3 HOURS of freedom from the kids. Woohoo! No idea how I am going to spend those precious hours (finalizing my taxes? Nah!), but I hope to make the best of it.

So, I came across this email and thought I would share it with you. It did make me smile, as was suggested it would. With the full moon coming on and gray skies dominating the horizon, I needed that smile. Thank you Bill and thank you for stopping in today! Enjoy!


The famous Olympic skier Picabo Street (pronounced Pee-Ka-Boo) is not just an athlete. She is now a nurse currently working at an Intensive Care Unit of a large metropolitan hospital.

She is not permitted to answer the hospital telephones any longer.

It caused too much confusion when she would answer the phone and say, Picabo, I.C.U.

   A good clean joke is hard to find these days - pass it on!

   (Admit it .... you're smiling)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Through My Child's Eyes

What do we have here? 
A furry creature draws near...
Sneaking closerup on the bed

Until before me
I see his head!


*Brought to you by the resident 5 yr-old who gets ahold of my camera every once in a while...


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